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Shanghai ColorTop Digital Printing Equipment Co., Ltd.

All Products >> Solvent Printer

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solvent printer with 4 heads konica 1024 14pl (ct3304k1024-14)
solvent printer with 4 heads konica 1024 14pl (ct3304k1024-14)
Specification: CT3304K1024-14
Detail: New Design Solvent Printer with 4 Konica 1024 14pl printheads. Auto Flash, pre-print flash and during-print flash keep the printheads with best printing status. Unique pass feather function avoids stepping error and inks mis...

15pl solvent printer 4h (p15 bumblebee)
15pl solvent printer 4h (p15 bumblebee)
Specification: P15 BumbleBee
Detail: P15, Leading the High Resolution Printing with stability! 15PL Solvent Printer 4H Six Advantages: 1. High Resolution 15Picoliters Drop Volume guarantee the high resolution printing. 2. High Quality Print ¡Ì Feather...

solvent printer with xaar proton 382-35pl printhead (ct3300tx 4h
solvent printer with xaar proton 382-35pl printhead (ct3300tx 4h
Specification: CT3300TX 4H
Detail: Strong Advantages: 1, It is one body mechanical design, strong body [Not simple economic body] 2, With Photoprint rip software from USA [not Maintop or Ultra print. ] 3, With display of computer, which is unique co***...
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